Syd isn't available, so I'm typing some preliminary notes.
Call stated 10:35 Discussion of draft on corpus applications
Nancy is in the middle -- will post a stabilized version Sunday
evening -- Jean will look again to see what she can do to help.
Problem: Nancy has been editing it into word, and this has led to a
conversion issue.
Jessica will convert it on Tuesday after Jean's once-over.
Jean and Nancy -- question about what the relationship of ISO to TEI
should be? When would one use the TEI rather than the ISO tags?
If the ISO tagset become the proper way of doing linguistic
annotation, then what is the reason to the use the TEI? Argument that
the TEI and ISO should use identical tags for the phenomena in
question, so that there is not a pointless difference.
pointer to Fabio's XPointer source code.
-- David
David G. Durand
Director, Electronic Publishing Services
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