I think Torsten hits the nail on the head, at least in clarifying my
contribution to the discussion. At the Newton Project, we haven't
(yet) introduced the <subst> tag, but I can see why it would be
useful. In the case of manuscripts, del/add seem to me the right way
to encode the children of <subst>, but in the case of oral
transcripts, orig/reg or corr/sic make more sense. That said, I have
no experience at all of transcribing oral sources so perhaps I should
leave the discussion to people who have.
Quoting Torsten Schassan <[log in to unmask]>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> > In transcribing speech for the BNC we had lots of arguments about
> the
> > need to distinguish normalization from correction. For example:
> >
> > 1) you're transcribing a speech in which someone says "couldn't
> of"
> > (people do) and you'd like to correct/normalise this to "couldn't
> have"
> > 2) in the transcript someone else made, you think they mis-heard
> > "couldn't have" as "couldn't of" (or vice versa)
> >
> > The first is a case for <reg> and <orig>. The second is a case for
> > <sic> and <corr>
> my understanding was so far:
> - - for what is "in the source", use <subst> with sic/corr or
> orig/reg
> pairs as children,
> - - for what is editorial intervention use <choice> with sic/corr or
> orig/reg pairs as children.
> For what Gabriel said, was true in the age of print respectively
> still
> is if the output media is print. But what John said in my opinion is
> very much true either, for electronic publication. While in print we
> didn't have "modi" to visualize both, one had to arrange things on
> the
> page, in electronic media this is substituted by different modi,
> displaying either the original versions (sic, orig etc) or the
> normalized/corrected.
> Best, Torsten
> - --
> Torsten Schassan
> Herzog August Bibliothek, Postfach 1364, D-38299 Wolfenbuettel
> Tel.: +49-5331-808-130, schassan {at} hab.de
> http://www.hab.de;
> http://www.hab.de/forschung/projekte/weiss64.htm
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