This is the listserv for 111 Brown Street, one of two houses in the Brown Environmental Program House system.
180DC 180 Degrees Consulting Email List
180 Degrees Consulting Email List
225DYER4_NOTIFICATION 225 Dyer 4 Notification List
Building announcement list for 225 Dyer 4
225DYER_BOA Brown University Biology of Aging List at 225 Dyer St.
Brown University Biology of Aging List at 225 Dyer St.
3090-GCONDO-USERS Users of 3090-gcondo on CCV
Users of 3090-gcondo on CCV
30AND40SOMETHINGGRADS 30- and 40-Something Grads List
This list is for grads in their 30s and 40s (and above) who would like to get to know other older grads.
315THAYER_2018-2019 315 Thayer 2018-2019 List
The 315 Thayer community for the 2018-2019 academic year!
339EDDY_NOTIFICATION 339 Eddy Notification List
Building announcement list for 339 Eddy St
411 411 Events Bulletin
The 411 is a weekly e-mail bulletin posting area events related to digital media theory and arts. Pulling from Brown, RISD, and the surrounding community, it includes: art exhibitions, openings, concerts, experimental performances, visiting lectures, festivals, readings, and more.
84ALUMSOFCOLOR 84 Alumni of Color List
84 Alumni of Color List
AAHS2015-2016 Asian American Heritage Series 2015-2016 List
Asian American Heritage Series 2015-2016 List
AAPA Asian/American Political Alliance List
Asian/American Political Alliance List
AASA EBOARD 16-17 List
AATK American Associate of Teachers of Korean List
American Associate of Teachers of Korean List
ACAD-CONFLUENCE Academic Confluence Users List
Academic Confluence Users List
ACADEMIC_OB-GYN_GENERALIST Academic Ob/Gyn Generalist List
Academic Ob/Gyn Generalist List
ACADOBGYN Academic ObGyn List
This list is to facilitate discussions regarding resident and medical student education in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
ACEES_ASSEMBLY The General Assembly of ACEES List
The General Assembly of ACEES List
ACTION4HEALTH RI Health Care Issues List
RI Health Care Issues List
ACTIVEMINDS Active Minds List
Active Minds is a national organization targeted at reducing the stigma around mental illness on college campuses. It is about finding support and raising awareness about the services available. It is not a support group, nor do we provide medical services, but rather direct the population to seek help and be more aware of the services available on campus.
Alison Malmon, a college student at UPenn, created this organization following the suicide of her younger brother, Brian, also a college student. Her hope was to combat the stigma of mental illness, encourage students who need help to seek it early and prevent future tragedies like the one her family experienced. It grew into a national organization, with the headquarters in Washington, DC. There are over 350 campus chapters nationwide.
Our meetings are Thursdays at 8pm in Wilson 205. Feel free to come even if you haven't been before!
ACTIVISM Brown Activism List
Brown Activism List
ACTNOW-L College Activism/Information List
College Activism/Information List
ACUMGN-L Assoc. of College & Univ. Museums & Galleries of New England List
Assoc. of College & Univ. Museums & Galleries of New England List
ADOCH Volunteers List
ADPSEVENTS Alpha Delta Phi Society Events List
Alpha Delta Phi Society Events List
ADVCTR_CDA_FACULTY Advance CTR Career Development Award Faculty List
This list serves early career faculty throughout the Advance-CTR network looking to build community, network, engage in peer mentorship, and share best practices in managing career development awards and other grants.
ADVENTURERS_GUILD-CURRENT Brown Adventurers Guild Interest List
A list of current and prospective members of the Adventurers Guild who have filled out of the Adventurers Guild Interest Form. All important annoucements for the club are given to this list of emails.
AFRICANA-CORE Africana Studies Core Faculty List
A listserv to reach the core faculty within the Department of Africana Studies/Rites and Reason Theatre.
The African Students' Association at Brown University, representing and celebrating the African continent.
AFRI_GRADUATESTUDENTS Africana Studies Graduate Students List
A list for information dissemination among graduate students within the Department of Africana Studies/Rites and Reason Theatre.
AG-NT Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory at Brown
This is a list for announcements about seminars and conferences in algebraic geometry and number theory that may be of interest to the community at Brown.
AHSR2020 AHSR 2020 Conference List
This is the official AHSR 2020 mail distribution list, hosted by the New England ATTC at Brown University.
AICHE Brown University Chemical Engineers List
Brown University Chemical Engineers List
AIG Anesthesiology Interest Group List
This list is intended for medical students interested in the field of anesthesiology. Emails include general announcements, invitations to talks and training seminars, as well as breaking news in the field of anesthesiology.
AIKIDO Aikido Kokikai List
Aikido is Japanese self-defense that uses an opponent’s momentum to perform throws, joint locks, and pins with the goal of harmless conflict resolution. Aikido is effective and suitable for all ability levels and sizes.
AITCN Internship Sites for Neuropsychology List
Internship Sites for Neuropsychology List
ALEF_BEATS Alef Beats List
Alef Beats List
ALEXANDER-GROUP Stephon Alexander's Research Group
Stephon Alexander's Research Group
ALGEBRAIC-GEOMETRY Algebraic Geometry at Brown List
This is an email list for the algebraic geometry community at Brown. It is used to send seminar announcements and to advertise conferences and other opportunities.
ALLGREEKMEMBERS All Greek Organization Members List
All Greek Organization Members List
ALPHAKAPPAALPHASORORITYINC Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated List